Saturday, November 12, 2011

Brittybird Giveaway!

One of my friends is doing a give away on her blog for her etsy shop. She makes fabulous items! Here's on of my faves. She made the adorable tie/ suspender onesie.

She makes really cute things for girls too! Check out her blog and give away at

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fun in the Snow

We got our first snow of the year the other day, and actually got our 2nd last night. These are some pics of the boys playing in the 'now.

Garrett and Turner learned to make snowballs and we had fun having a snowball fight. I also improvised a sled for them and pulled them in it around in the yard. It was super cold out, so we didn't get to play for very long and it was not the right kind of snow for snowmen either.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas at our house and we are looking forward to all 2011 holds for our family! I get such joy out of my boys every day and look forward to so many more fun moments with them! I think 2011 will also be filled with lots of dr. appts. At least for the first part. Over Christmas break we took Garrett to a pulmonologist to get his asthma under control. He is now on 2 inhalers and no more breathing treatments, unless he gets really sick. We go back in 4 weeks to see how he is doing. And the poor twins also have dentists appts. that day. :( We are then going to schedule Garrett's oral surgery for spring break and will be going back to the pulmonologist before his surgery to get an okay for surgery. So, poor Garrett is going to have a rough couple of months with all his anxiety/ fear of dr.'s. But hopefully, after March he will be great and we won't have to go too much more.

Turner is doing great. He is so funny about his clothing right now. He got 2 Ken dolls and a Barbie doll for Christmas and none of them wear clothes. Turner also prefers to go in his underwear. He was playing with a naked doll at Thanksgiving and Grandpa taught him to call her No Pants Nance. Since Turner prefers no pants, I told him we were going to call him No Pants Lance. He told me no, he wasn't a girl. I told him Lance was a boys a name, and he said, "Oh. Okay. That's alright." He gets up in the morning and tells me he needs to take his pajamas off because you are not supposed to wear them when the sun comes up. He doesn't want to put anything back on though. Last night I asked if he wanted to just go to bed in his underwear and he was adamant that he had to wear pajamas. Silly kid. I give him the opportunity to go naked and he insists he wears clothes. And they must match!

Hudson is growing up so fast, he is already getting to be more of a toddler than a baby. At 9 months old he is wearing 18 and 24 month clothes. He is so tall!! We need to go in for his 9 month well-check and then we will know his current stats. He has started signing a bit- more and milk, sometimes eat/food as well. The boy is very serious about his food. He loves eating whatever we are eating, especially grilled cheese! He has 5 teeth- 2 on top and 3 on bottom. I can just barely feel the 4th tooth on the bottom. And he finally started babbling Mamamama!! Love that! He is all over and into everything. He will happily crawl down the hall to the bathroom to play all by himself. He loves to follow his brothers where ever they go. No one can make him laugh as easily as Garrett. He loves his brothers!

And now for some recent pics! (They messed up and I don't know how to fix them, but you can view the whole pic if you click on it)

The boys playing with their Cozy Coupes

Not sure Hudson actually opened many gifts, but he had fun with the paper!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to School

I've been back to work for a week now. Not too many tears for me. It is so busy the first few weeks that I don't hardly have time to miss the boys. I do wake Hudson up so I can feed him before leaving and get some 'quishy baby snuggles.
It has been so hot that we have been going swimming every chance we get. I bought the boys a large ride-on turtle to use at the pool, but he spent most of pool time on the cement next to the pool with the boys sitting on him. Fish Garrett and Turner are not. I really hope Hudson is. He loves his little floatie.

Hudson is getting good at rolling over back to tummy. He does wake up when he does this in his sleep. Makes him mad and he can't roll back yet.

Grandma and Grandpa took the boys to get their first pair of boots. They both were very excited! Garrett wears his all the time!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

We're Baaaaaack!

Okay, so I've taken quite the hiatus from blogging, but want to get back to it. I was going through some of my journals from the boys early months and I want a similar record for Hudson. We have been so busy this summer with 3 boys 3 and under, but oh what fun!! I am just loving having another baby in the house. And Garrett and Turner are really good big brothers! Hudson is just growing and developing so fast. Makes me a bit sad to see my last baby growing up! And now for some pictures!

Handsome Hudson
Lounging at the pool
Such a cutie pie!
My 3 wonderful sons!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Crazy Momma!!

Yesterday I was making the boys some chocolate milk. I got the chocolate syrup out to put in their milk. I thought I'd be nice and let them have a little syrup right out of the bottle (Yes, I sometimes teach my children inappropriate things) so I told Garrett to open his mouth. He did as he was told (such a good boy) and I squeezed a bit of chocolate syrup in his mouth. I told Turner to open his mouth and he said, "Put in cup! Crazy momma!" He cracks me up!

We were getting ready to leave for my mom's house and Garrett found this hat and wanted to wear it. I think it is quite appropriate for this little guy!!

Over Memorial Day weekend we headed to the lake for some fun. Garrett enjoyed rolling around in the sand and splashing everyone.

Turner enjoyed hanging out on the boat and drinking juice and eating snacks. This is where he prefers to be when we go out on the boat. We do force him off the boat for some fun, too.

The boys hanging out on the beach.

Turner is not too sure about being off the boat. He really doesn't enjoy lake water or sand.

We also had a family reunion. Garrett was so smiley when we were taking pictures. This is him and Grandma Neva.

Grandma Neva and all her great grandchildren.

We also attended a birthday party for Grandma Doak. Turner enjoyed the gift table!

I guess maybe Garrett was cold?

The Killman clan with Grandma Doak.

Turner in the playhouse at MeMa and PaPa's

Garrett in the playhouse

Think Garrett is checking his email?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

School's Out- Almost!!

We've been laying pretty low these past few weeks. I haven't even taken very many pics of the boys. We had Mother's Day and I don't think I took any pics!! After such a busy March and April, it's been nice to just hang out at home. I am really looking forward to school being out for the summer! I'm not looking forward to the heat, especially since our air conditioner decided to finally die. We've been resurrecting it yearly and knew it would go eventually. I think we'll have to wait until this winter to replace it, so in the meantime we are investing in some window units to keep us cools this summer. After Memorial Day we are going to work hard on the potty training. They are usually pretty good about sitting on the potty, but that's usually all they do. It should be a fun summer between the potty training and switching to toddler beds instead of cribs. Is it too late to hire a nanny??